Are you continuously busy on the run, trying to balance home-life, work, family, and trying to practise your own self-care and wellbeing?
And you’re trying to be there for everyone else except yourself ( the sandwich generation as we are known as).
I know that feeling as an only child, 3 young kids, after-school activities, husband is farming, running my own successful business and on the road, and 2 elderly parents.
What happens to me as a mother, daughter, wife, friend, and businesswoman is I become overwhelmed and start to procrastinate if you believe it- 110%.

So I developed “The Brain Dump”
It’s all about getting everything you are thinking at that time out of your head and onto paper, and then start by picking 3 things off the list (in any box).
We all think clutter is related to our homes, the physical things but we forget as human beings to declutter our minds.
When I did exercise first I had over 131 to do jobs, tasks in my poor head, and sure no wonder I wasn’t seeing results.
From sending an email to “x “, ringing the doctor for an appointment, going to the charity shop, planning meals for the week, and texting Mary back, it doesn’t matter what you’re thinking – get it up and out!
Well, I can only describe it like a fog surrounding me, and by just getting all “the things out” of my head and written down on paper and taking action by picking 3 random tasks to do and to keep working through the list that I felt calm and back in control again.
Use this sheet any time you feel overwhelmed and frustrated that you feel you are getting nothing done because no doubt like me up will have another 131 jobs on the list next week again.
It’s EPIC!